Wide Legged Forward Bend C or Prasarita Padottanasana C (pronounciation: prah-SAH-ri-tah pad-o-tahn-AHS-an-nuh C) Note: Do this for 5-10 breaths. Benefits: Stretches the back and inside of the legs. Opens the hips....
Rag Doll pose or Uttanasana (pronounciation: oot-tun-AH-suh-nuh) Note: Do this for 5-10 breaths. Benefits: Relieves stress. Stretches the ankles, calves, hamstrings and lower back. Releases tension in the neck and shoulders....
Cow-Face pose or Gomukhasana (pronounciation go-muKHA-suh-nuh) Note: Do this for 5-10 breaths and also do it on the other side of your arm. Benefits: Deeply stretches hips, ankles, thighs, shoulders,...